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Dental Filling

Tooth filling at Tannlege in Oslo

A dental filling is the most common treatment for a cavity in a tooth. It effectively stops further damage by protecting the area where bacteria entered.

Fillings are considered the simplest and most effective treatment for a tooth with a cavity, provided that the tooth is suitable for a filling. X-rays can be used to evaluate the depth of the cavity in relation to the dental nerve.


Cavity in a tooth

What is a caries?

Tooth decay is damage to the surface of a tooth. It happens when bacteria in your mouth make acids that then attack your tooth enamel. Tooth decay can lead to cavities with caries. If tooth decay is not treated, it can lead to pain, infection and eventually lead to the loss of your tooth.

The symptoms of caries
  • A toothache
    Sensitive tooth or teeth to hot or cold food and drink.
  • White or brown spots on the surface of a tooth
  • A visible hole in the tooth
  • An infection that can lead to the formation of pus called an abscess.
  • The abscess can cause you to have pain, swelling of the face and fever.

The dentist does an examination of all your teeth, then takes an X-ray or an opg image to look more closely at your caries. The dentist will then explain how big the hole is and how it should be treated.

Treatment of caries

Dental caries (tooth cavities) can be treated in different ways.

  1. Fluoride treatment. If you have early tooth decay, fluoride treatment can help the enamel to repair itself. The dentist then sets up a new appointment with a check-up.
  2. Fillings. Often a man needs a filling. The dentist will remove the damaged tooth tissue and then restore the tooth by filling it with a filling material.
  3. Root canal filling. If the damage to the tooth or it has led to an infection that spreads to the pulp, you may need a root canal. Read more here about root canals.
  4. Extraction. In the most serious cases, when the damage to the pulp cannot be repaired, the dentist will inform you that the tooth should be extracted. Your dentist will suggest that you get a dental bridge or an implant to replace the missing tooth.
How to avoid tooth decay
  1. Use toothpaste with fluoride.
  2. Brush your teeth 2 times a day
  3. Use dental floss
  4. Do not eat or drink foods with a lot of sugar
  5. Avoid tobacco, snuff and smoke.
  6. Order an examination and cleaning twice a year.


En panoramarøntgen, også kjent som panoramaradiografi, er et todimensjonalt bilde av hele munnen din. Den fanger opp overkjeven, underkjeven, tenner, tidsmessige kjeveledd (TMJ) og omkringliggende strukturer. Den gir en bred oversikt over tannhelsen din og er nyttig for å evaluere forhold som f.eks. påvirkede tenner, kjevebeinabnormaliteter, cyster, svulster og generell tann- og beinhelse.

Hva er en karies?

Tannråte er skade på overflate av tann. Det skjer når bakterier i munnen din lager syrer som da angriper din tannemalje. Tannråte kan føre til hull med karies. Hvis tannråte ikke behandles, kan det føre til smerter, infeksjon og til slutt føre til tap av din tann. 

Symptomene av karies

  • En tannpine
    Sensitiv tann eller tenner til varmt eller kaldt mat og drikke. 
  • Hvite eller brune flekker på overflaten av en tann
  • Et synlig hul i tannen
  • En infeksjon som kan føre til at det dannes puss som heter en abscess. 
  • Abscessen kan føre til at du kan få smerte, hevelse i ansiktet og feber.


Tannlegen gjør en undersøkelse av alle dine tenner, deretter ta en røntgen bilde eller en opg bilde for å se nærmere på din karies. Tannlegen skal deretter forklare hvor stort hullet er og hvordan det skal behandles. 

Behandling av karies

Tannkaries (hull i tann) kan behandles på forskellige måter. 

  1. Fluorbehandling.  Hvis du har tidlig karies, fluorbehandling kan hjelpe emaljen til å reparere seg selv. Tannlegen setter opp ny time deretter med kontroll. 
  2. Fyllinger. Ofte  trenger mann en fylling. Tannlegen skal fjerne det ødelagte tannvevet og deretter gjenopprette tannen ved å fylle den med et fyllmateriale.
  3. Rotfylling. Hvis skaden på tannen eller det har ført til en infeksjon som sprers seg til pulpa, kan det hende at du trenger en rotfylling. Les mer her om rotfyllinger.
  4. Ekstraksjon. I de mest alvorlige tilfellene, når skaden på pulpa ikke kan repareres, tannlegen skal informere deg om at tannen bør trekkes.  Tannlegen din vil foreslå at du får en tannbro eller et implantat for å erstatte den manglende tannen.

Hvordan å unngå karies

  1. Bruk tannkrem med fluor. 
  2. Puss tennene dine 2 ganger daglig
  3. Bruk tanntråd 
  4. Ikke spise eller drikke mat med mye sukker
  5. Unngå tobakk, snus og røyk. 
  6. Bestill undersøkelse og rens 2 ganger i året. 

Broken Tooth

Tooth enamel is quite hard and it is difficult to break a tooth. But in some cases by eating something hard or by accident it can lead to damage to your tooth. In these cases, it is important that you contact the dentist as soon as possible.

Treatment of broken tooth
  1. Filling – The dentist repairs the tooth with bonding so that it looks and functions like a normal tooth.
  2. Dental crown – If a large part of a tooth has been destroyed, your dentist will take a digital impression of your tooth and make a dental crown for you within 1-2 weeks.
  3. Shell veneers - If you have broken a front tooth and it cannot be fixed with a filling, the dentist will inform you about shell veneers - Read more.
  4. In the event of an accident and you have lost one or more teeth. Your dentist can recommend dental implants , dental bridges or dentures .

Dental Tips

Two types of tooth damage one is wear and tear and the other is erosion, both can affect tooth enamel.

Wear is caused by rubbing the teeth or by brushing the teeth with hard toothbrushes or sometimes dentures are a possible cause of wear on the tooth enamel. Erosion occurs when tooth enamel is overexposed to acids from various foods and drinks, or stomach acid that causes regurgitation.

  • Stomach acid
  • Acid from food and drink
  • the salivary glands and produce less saliva
  • Teeth grinding
The symptoms

The first sign of tooth erosion is the loss of the surface of the tooth, which leads to a smooth, shiny appearance. Tooth erosion makes the teeth more sensitive to hot, cold or sweet food and drink.

The treatment
  1. Use fluoride toothpaste, it helps to neutralize the plaque bacteria that produce acid to break down the enamel.
  2. Use fluoride mouthwash that protects your teeth and helps neutralize the plaque bacteria in your mouth that can weaken the enamel.
  3. Bonding with filling can be used for enamel erosion. The entire process takes an hour or less, and treatment usually only takes one appointment.
  4. A crown can be placed on a tooth in more severe cases of weak enamel. This procedure involves covering the tooth with a new crown that will protect the damaged areas. A dental crown can restore the function of a damaged tooth, allowing you to eat and drink without pain. It will also protect your tooth from future acid damage.

Tooth restoration

Composite filling is the preferred material for tooth restoration, as it is a combination of plastic and glass that bonds with tooth enamel and can be used to rebuild teeth.

Lost Filling

Dental fillings do not last a lifetime, and sometimes a filling can fall out. There are many reasons why a filling can become loose. Some of the most common reasons are due to:

  • New filling that you have just received that does not fit well.
  • Chewing too hard or you bite into hard or crunchy food
  • rubbing (utilitarianism)
    trauma to the tooth or root a chemical reaction that loosens the bonding of the filling to the tooth

If a filling falls out, the first thing you need to do is call the dentist to make an appointment. In the meantime, until you have an appointment with your dentist, it is important to protect the involved tooth.

Tannhelse Tips:

  • Børst tennene riktig: Børst tennene grundig to ganger om dagen i minst to minutter hver gang. Bruk en fluorholdig tannkrem for å styrke tannemaljen.
  • Rengjør mellom tennene: Bruk tanntråd eller mellomromsbørster daglig for å fjerne plakk og matrester som børsten ikke når.
  • Besøk tannlegen regelmessig: Gå til tannlegen minst to ganger i året for rutinemessige sjekk-ups og profesjonell tannrensing.
  • Spis en sunn kosthold: Reduser inntaket av sukkerholdige matvarer og drikkevarer som kan føre til tannråte. Spis mer frukt, grønnsaker og kalsiumrik mat for å opprettholde sterke tenner.
  • Unngå tobakksprodukter: Røyking og snusing kan forårsake tannproblemer og tannkjøttsykdom. Prøv å slutte eller redusere bruken av disse produkter for bedre tannhelse.
  • Beskytt tennene under aktiviteter: Bruk en tannbeskytter under idrettsaktiviteter eller når du utfører aktiviteter med risiko for tannskader.
  • Ta vare på tannproteser: Hvis du har proteser, sørg for å rengjøre dem regelmessig og oppbevare dem på en trygg måte for å unngå skade og infeksjon.

Følg disse tipsene for å opprettholde en sunn munnhelse og et strålende smil!

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