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Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:00 / Tel: 22 23 33 33

Dental Implant

Dental implant treatment in Oslo

Dental implants are a modern and effective treatment for patients who have lost one or more teeth. It is a permanent solution that gives a natural and aesthetic result. At Clinica Smile, we use the latest technologies and materials to ensure a successful treatment and a lasting result. Our experienced team of specialists will take you through the entire process, from consultation to finishing.


What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for lost teeth. It is a screw-shaped device that is inserted into the jawbone and acts as a root for a replacement tooth. The implant is made of titanium, which is a biocompatible material that the body does not reject. After the implant is inserted, it will grow together with the jawbone and provide a stable base for a crown, bridge or prosthesis.

Who can get a dental implant treatment?

Dental implant treatment is suitable for most patients who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, disease or age-related tooth wear. However, there are some factors that can affect the treatment result, such as smoking, poor oral hygiene and chronic diseases such as diabetes. Our specialists will make a thorough assessment of your dental and health conditions before recommending dental implant treatment.

How does dental implant treatment goes?

Dental implant treatment consists of three main parts: consultation, implant surgery and post-treatment. During the consultation, our specialists will examine your teeth and jaw and create an individual treatment plan. The implant operation involves inserting the implant into the jawbone under local anaesthetic. Afterwards, the implant will grow firmly into the jawbone for a few months before a crown, bridge or prosthesis can be fitted. Aftercare includes regular dental visits and good oral hygiene.

What are the benefits of dental implant treatment?

Dental implant treatment offers many advantages compared to other dental prostheses. It is a permanent solution that gives a natural and aesthetic result. The implant works like a real tooth root and stimulates the jawbone to grow and strengthen, which can prevent further tooth and bone loss. Dental implants are also very durable and can last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

Tannhelse Tips:

  • Børst tennene riktig: Børst tennene grundig to ganger om dagen i minst to minutter hver gang. Bruk en fluorholdig tannkrem for å styrke tannemaljen.
  • Rengjør mellom tennene: Bruk tanntråd eller mellomromsbørster daglig for å fjerne plakk og matrester som børsten ikke når.
  • Besøk tannlegen regelmessig: Gå til tannlegen minst to ganger i året for rutinemessige sjekk-ups og profesjonell tannrensing.
  • Spis en sunn kosthold: Reduser inntaket av sukkerholdige matvarer og drikkevarer som kan føre til tannråte. Spis mer frukt, grønnsaker og kalsiumrik mat for å opprettholde sterke tenner.
  • Unngå tobakksprodukter: Røyking og snusing kan forårsake tannproblemer og tannkjøttsykdom. Prøv å slutte eller redusere bruken av disse produkter for bedre tannhelse.
  • Beskytt tennene under aktiviteter: Bruk en tannbeskytter under idrettsaktiviteter eller når du utfører aktiviteter med risiko for tannskader.
  • Ta vare på tannproteser: Hvis du har proteser, sørg for å rengjøre dem regelmessig og oppbevare dem på en trygg måte for å unngå skade og infeksjon.

Følg disse tipsene for å opprettholde en sunn munnhelse og et strålende smil!

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Gratis Konsultasjon

Husk at du kan booke time i dag, du kan nå bestille time direkt med oral kirurg spesialist Jaehyun Sim via nettside eller ring oss på: Tlf: 22 23 33 33.