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Dental Veneers

Get a perfect smile with Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic treatment that can quickly enhance your smile. These custom-made, thin shells are bonded to the surface of your teeth to cover imperfections such as discoloration, misalignment, or other aesthetic concerns. The procedure is painless and delivers long-lasting, natural-looking results, providing you with a beautiful smile.


Advantages of dental veneers

Dental veneers are a popular treatment because they can give you a perfect smile in a short time. Here are some of the benefits of getting veneers:

  • Aesthetic appearance: Shell veneers can give you a natural look to your teeth and cover discolouration, unevenness or damage to your teeth.

  • Painless: The treatment is painless and requires no anaesthetic.

  • Durability: Shell veneers can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

  • Simplicity: The treatment only requires two visits to the dentist and can give you a lasting result.

Undersøkelse + Skalfasetter Konsultasjon

Transformér smilet ditt med skalfasetter hos Clinica Smile. Få en nøye undersøkelse og konsultasjon for kun 399,-. Perfekt tilpasset for et naturlig, strålende smil. Bestill din time i dag!

What can you expect during treatment?

Before the treatment begins, the dentist will first carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and assess whether shell veneers are the best option for you. If it is, the dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send it to a lab to make the veneers. Once they're done, you'll come back to the clinic to have them fitted to your teeth. The process is painless and usually only takes a few hours.

Is dental veneers suitable for everyone?

Veneers can be a good solution for you if you want to improve the appearance of your teeth. They can help correct tooth discoloration, misalignment, size and shape. But it's important to note that shell veneers aren't the best option for everyone. Your dentist will evaluate your teeth and give you a recommendation based on your unique needs and desires

What are the benefits of veneers?

Veneers have many benefits for your dental health and appearance. They can improve tooth discoloration, repair minor damage to teeth, and even protect teeth from future damage. They are also a permanent solution that can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

What should you do after getting veneers?

After you get veneers, your dentist will give you specific instructions for taking care of your teeth. You should still brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth and veneers clean and healthy. You should also avoid biting or chewing on hard objects and avoid foods and drinks that can discolor your teeth or damage the veneers.

Tannhelse Tips:

  • Børst tennene riktig: Børst tennene grundig to ganger om dagen i minst to minutter hver gang. Bruk en fluorholdig tannkrem for å styrke tannemaljen.
  • Rengjør mellom tennene: Bruk tanntråd eller mellomromsbørster daglig for å fjerne plakk og matrester som børsten ikke når.
  • Besøk tannlegen regelmessig: Gå til tannlegen minst to ganger i året for rutinemessige sjekk-ups og profesjonell tannrensing.
  • Spis en sunn kosthold: Reduser inntaket av sukkerholdige matvarer og drikkevarer som kan føre til tannråte. Spis mer frukt, grønnsaker og kalsiumrik mat for å opprettholde sterke tenner.
  • Unngå tobakksprodukter: Røyking og snusing kan forårsake tannproblemer og tannkjøttsykdom. Prøv å slutte eller redusere bruken av disse produkter for bedre tannhelse.
  • Beskytt tennene under aktiviteter: Bruk en tannbeskytter under idrettsaktiviteter eller når du utfører aktiviteter med risiko for tannskader.
  • Ta vare på tannproteser: Hvis du har proteser, sørg for å rengjøre dem regelmessig og oppbevare dem på en trygg måte for å unngå skade og infeksjon.

Følg disse tipsene for å opprettholde en sunn munnhelse og et strålende smil!

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