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3 shape

Orthodontics in Oslo - 3Shape Technology

3Shape technology is a revolutionary approach to achieving a beautiful smile. This dental treatment utilizes digital scanning technology to provide an accurate and detailed representation of your teeth. With this information, our dentists can create a customized treatment plan tailored to meet your individual needs and desires.


Why choose 3Shape technology?

There are several reasons why 3Shape technology may be the best option for you when it comes to braces. Firstly, it provides more precise results than traditional treatment methods. This means that the treatment can be more effective and that you can achieve the desired result faster. In addition, the technology is gentle on the teeth, and causes less discomfort for the patient than many other alternatives.

All in One Undersøkelse:

*Populaer (Komplett undersøkelse + Panoramarøntgen + Professjonell tannrens)

Komplett Tannhelsepakke: Få en grundig tannsjekk, supplert med panoramarøntgen for en omfattende oversikt over munnhelsen, etterfulgt av profesjonell tannrens for et friskere og sunnere smil.

Advantages of the 3Shape technology

The 3Shape technology provides a number of benefits for both patients and dentists. For the patients, this means faster and more efficient treatment, fewer visits to the dentist and more accurate results. For the dentists, this means that they can work more efficiently and accurately, and give patients better treatment results. The 3Shape technology also allows the dentist to see the results of the treatment before it starts, giving them the opportunity to make any adjustments and ensure the best possible result.

How does 3Shape treatment work at Clinica Smile?

When you choose 3Shape treatment at Clinica Smile, our dentists will first carry out a thorough examination and imaging of your teeth using the 3Shape technology. They will then develop a treatment plan that is adapted to your individual needs and wishes. The treatment will then be started and supervised by our experienced dentists, and you will have regular follow-up appointments to ensure that the results are as desired.

What happens after a 3Shape scan?

After your dentist takes a 3Shape scan of your teeth, they will send the information to a specialist who will use it to create an accurate digital model of your teeth. This will allow your dentist to plan your treatment more effectively and give you better results. You can expect to get the information back within a few days, and then your dentist can discuss the plan with you and answer any questions you may have.

Tannhelse Tips:

  • Børst tennene riktig: Børst tennene grundig to ganger om dagen i minst to minutter hver gang. Bruk en fluorholdig tannkrem for å styrke tannemaljen.
  • Rengjør mellom tennene: Bruk tanntråd eller mellomromsbørster daglig for å fjerne plakk og matrester som børsten ikke når.
  • Besøk tannlegen regelmessig: Gå til tannlegen minst to ganger i året for rutinemessige sjekk-ups og profesjonell tannrensing.
  • Spis en sunn kosthold: Reduser inntaket av sukkerholdige matvarer og drikkevarer som kan føre til tannråte. Spis mer frukt, grønnsaker og kalsiumrik mat for å opprettholde sterke tenner.
  • Unngå tobakksprodukter: Røyking og snusing kan forårsake tannproblemer og tannkjøttsykdom. Prøv å slutte eller redusere bruken av disse produkter for bedre tannhelse.
  • Beskytt tennene under aktiviteter: Bruk en tannbeskytter under idrettsaktiviteter eller når du utfører aktiviteter med risiko for tannskader.
  • Ta vare på tannproteser: Hvis du har proteser, sørg for å rengjøre dem regelmessig og oppbevare dem på en trygg måte for å unngå skade og infeksjon.

Følg disse tipsene for å opprettholde en sunn munnhelse og et strålende smil!

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