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Tooth Restoration

Dental fillings and crowns in Oslo

Dental reconstruction is a dental treatment used to repair damaged or damaged teeth. The treatment involves the use of dental fillings and crowns to build up and strengthen the damaged tooth. At Clinica Smile Frogner, we only use the latest technologies and materials to ensure the best possible results for our patients.


The treatment

Dental reconstruction, also known as dental restoration, is a treatment used when a tooth is damaged, cracked or exposed to caries. It can also be used when a tooth is worn or has lost its shape. The treatment involves rebuilding the tooth by filling in the cavity or applying a veneer. This restores the tooth's functionality and aesthetics, and can give you back a brilliant smile.

Undersøkelse + Tannoppbygging Konsultasjon

Ta vare på smilet ditt med vår grundige tannundersøkelse og konsultasjon for kun 399,-. Hos Clinica Smile sørger vi for personlig tilpasset omsorg og profesjonell veiledning for et sunnere smil. Bestill din time i dag!


If you experience pain in your teeth, especially when you eat or drink hot or cold things, it may be a sign that you need dental restoration. You may also have noticeable damage to the tooth, such as a hole or a crack. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening.

Dental reconstruction at Clinica Smile

Our dentists at Clinica Smile in Frogner are experts in dental reconstruction. We only use the best materials and techniques to ensure that your teeth receive the best treatment. We always start with a thorough examination and assessment of the tooth(s) that need building up. We then develop an individual treatment plan that suits your needs and wishes. Our dentists will guide you through the entire process and ensure that you feel comfortable and safe.


After tooth build-up, you will likely experience some tenderness and sensitivity in your tooth. This is normal and will usually go away within a few days. You should avoid chewing on the affected tooth or eating hard food until the tooth feels normal again. We will also give you advice on how best to take care of your tooth after treatment.

Tannhelse Tips:

  • Børst tennene riktig: Børst tennene grundig to ganger om dagen i minst to minutter hver gang. Bruk en fluorholdig tannkrem for å styrke tannemaljen.
  • Rengjør mellom tennene: Bruk tanntråd eller mellomromsbørster daglig for å fjerne plakk og matrester som børsten ikke når.
  • Besøk tannlegen regelmessig: Gå til tannlegen minst to ganger i året for rutinemessige sjekk-ups og profesjonell tannrensing.
  • Spis en sunn kosthold: Reduser inntaket av sukkerholdige matvarer og drikkevarer som kan føre til tannråte. Spis mer frukt, grønnsaker og kalsiumrik mat for å opprettholde sterke tenner.
  • Unngå tobakksprodukter: Røyking og snusing kan forårsake tannproblemer og tannkjøttsykdom. Prøv å slutte eller redusere bruken av disse produkter for bedre tannhelse.
  • Beskytt tennene under aktiviteter: Bruk en tannbeskytter under idrettsaktiviteter eller når du utfører aktiviteter med risiko for tannskader.
  • Ta vare på tannproteser: Hvis du har proteser, sørg for å rengjøre dem regelmessig og oppbevare dem på en trygg måte for å unngå skade og infeksjon.

Følg disse tipsene for å opprettholde en sunn munnhelse og et strålende smil!

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